Date: 03/10/11
Topic: Real Food
The follow are the asked questions & Dr. Jamie Kane's corresponding answers from the discussion:
Question #1: What is real food?
Dr. Jamie Kane Answer #1: I think real food is something that comes in its state of nature.
Question #2: So how do you make sure that you get "real food" into your daily life, on your plate?
Dr. Jamie Kane Answer #2: Grow it in your garden, wash and eat!!!
Statement from @thefitgourmand: I shop the perimeter of the supermarkets where real food is available
Dr. Jamie Kane Reply: Perimeter of stores is fine, but beware that not even all veggies are what you think they are.
Statement from @BSidesNarriative: If you can't pronounce the ingredients, it's not real food.
Dr. Jamie Kane Reply: The ingredients should also be what you are eating, not what is put in to preserve it.
Question #3: So besides growing, shopping the outskirts of the store, how do you stay away from bad food?
Dr. Jamie Kane Answer #3: Ideally, make food yourself & don't rely on quick fixes. Also, think of produce as your primary food & everything else as supplements & treats
Statement from @melaniehevel: Also, read nutrition labels.
Dr. Jamie Kane Reply: Or buy foods w/out nutrition labels. Then just one ingredient.
Statement from @Jose_Galvan: Pack a lunch for school/work it helps avoid temptation to grab junk food!
Dr. Jamie Kane Reply: Packing lunch saves money and calories.
Statement from @melaniehevel: Definitely key to not beat yourself up if you do eat something less than healthy. Making urself feel guilty often doesn't help!
Dr. Jamie Kane Reply: Agree. beating yourself up doesn't help. but putting in full effort is required sometimes.
Question #4: Do your friends/family make eating "real food" hard or difficult for you? How do you react?
Dr. Jamie Kane Answer #4: This is my profession and I still have a hard time getting friends/family to take my eating seriously
Statement from @thefitgourmond: When I make bad choices I know that the next meal or snack is an opportunity to get back on track.
Dr. Jamie Kane Reply: Right, difference between recognition and action vs. self-abuse
Statement from @itsjen: Being a vegetarian for so long I'm over criticism of what I do or don't eat. it's my body
Dr. Jamie Kane Reply: We have to remember that people rarely put a gun to our head & force-feed us junk. We are responsible for ourselves.
Statement from @mhough88: Food inc will set any one straight! It opened myself and my wife's eyes to the real truth.
Dr. Jamie Kane Reply: Chicken treated w/ammonia. Blech!
Statement from @melaniehevel: Emotions, wanting "comfort," and food are usually not a good combination! Often when others are involved, those things come in.
Dr. Jamie Kane Reply: Right on emotions. Euphoria & parties can be as bad as despair & stress.
Statement from @thefitgourmand: You are right! Food is so social we forget that it is a personal choice.
Dr. Jamie Kane Reply: Can work both ways. A lot of people over-snack when they are at home. Depends on personality-type.
Statement from @iamjosie: It's got to be ok to have some every so often right? at least that's what I tell myself & salad pizza is my fav :)
Dr. Jamie Kane Reply: I don't see why not as long as you take care of yourself in general. We all have choices to make. For all my talk, I can't imagine life w/out pizza. I just discourage others from eating it.
Statement from @itsjen: I love this tweet! RT @drjamiekane For all my talk, I can't imagine life w/out pizza. I just discourage others from eating it.
Dr. Jamie Kane Reply: Got to be honest. even after shoulder surgery when i promised myself strict healthy eating, i still ate pizza.
Dr. Jamie Kane Recap: Thanks for a fun hour. Eating real food will have you feeling and looking good and keeps the doctors away.

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