written by runnergirl training
Protein serves a lot of purposes for the body. It is also
important to know how much protein to eat each day. Check out these 6 benefits
of protein.
6 Benefits of Protein:
Increases muscle mass
Protein is the building block for muscle.
Balances blood sugar
Protein will help maintain a balanced blood sugar level with
less spikes and drops than simple carbohydrates
Manages weight by filling
Eating protein helps you to feel full and not hungry for an
extended period of time
Improves mood
Protein assists the function of neurotransmitters that
increase positive thoughts
Increases bone
Amino acids in protein help increase the density of bone
Increases tendon
Protein adds strength and the ability for tendons to repair
How much protein to eat:
Active adults should eat 0.5 – 0.7 grams per lb of
bodyweight. An athlete that weighs 180 lbs should eat 90 - 126 grams of protein a day. If weight loss is the goal, 90 grams could be the daily goal. Conversely, if muscle gain is the goal then 126 grams a day can be the target.
When to eat protein:
Protein can be included in most snacks and meals to promote
feeling full and balanced levels of blood sugar. The optimal window for protein
nutrient absorption is within an hour following exercising. The body readily
absorbs protein immediately following a workout so that is the perfect time for
a high protein recovery snack or meal.
Protein has many benefits to the body. It is important to
know the right amount to consume based on your specific goals (weight loss,
muscle gain, maintaining weight). It is also important to strategically eat protein
to give your body the best absorption advantage as possible.

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