written by runnergirl training
This is a product review for a product which I personally purchased and received no compensation.
Ever need a reusable ice pack after working out & you’re
tire of making due with those small bean shaped ice packs from the pharmacy?
Enter the Chattanooga ColPac ice pack. I stumbled upon this ice cold gem from
my physical therapist. It is a heavy duty get-the-job-done ice pack! The outer
material is thick and is designed not to leak like the aforementioned smaller
ice packs. It stays COLD and will still be cold after your 5-15 minutes of
icing session is up.
It is very moldable to fit different joints or locations to
be iced. You can even fold it up when storing in the freezer.
I personally purchased mine from Amazon and received it
quickly. I can’t believe I muddle through pathetic wimpy ice packs all these
years until finding the Chattanooga ColPac ice pack!
I highly recommend you do yourself a huge favor and purchase
this outstanding product too! By the way, the Amazon product link is just that & I am not affiliated with Amazon or Chattanooga ColPac in any way.