written by runnergirl training
You know that heavy dead-legs feeling that sometimes occurs after workouts? It can really put a damper on motivation to exercise when your legs feel like concrete chunk. Let’s check out reasons why it happens & how to avoid it. Read below!
Junk Miles
Running miles just to rack up mileage is called junk miles. They are in addition to miles that are included in a training plan. They are basically because you are incapable of sitting still. I am notoriously bad about junk mileage. The ugly truth is they can open the door to injuries or illness.
Pushing The Effort Level
If your body is run down from constantly pushing the effort then it will eventfully backfire. A good rule to remember is in the very least to schedule your training days hard-easy-hard-easy. This will allow for some recovery time.
Lack Of Cross Training
Only running and no other form of exercise may seem glorious but the constant repetitive wear and tear will take a toll. A variety of exercises will help work different muscles while letting the fatigued ones take a break.
There Is No Off Season
A well-balanced training plan includes cycles intense training prior to a race or event. At race time the level of conditioning peaks. After the race the training cycle decreases in intensity and allows for recovery. If your training plan is constantly high intensity that can lead to overtraining, injuries or illness.
Recovery Runs Aren’t
When running a recovery run the intensity and effort should be low. The purpose is to allow muscles to be slightly used but still preparing for the next challenging workout. If you run it at a high intensity or pace you have just drained the stored glycogen (fuel) out of those muscles. When progressing to the difficult workout your muscles will be depleted and not recovered.
Being dehydrated can cause confusion, decrease in performance, headaches, dizziness, stomach problems, etc. Muscles hold water and can become achy and heavy feeling when dehydrated. The kidneys can process about 20 oz/600 mL per hour. Keep that in mind when hydrating.
Not every body can maintain an endurance event for the same duration. Differences are determined by factors such as various training levels and the body’s genetic predisposition to having a high lactate threshold. Some individuals have more or less mitochondria than the next person. That number can be changed to an extent with aerobic or cardiovascular training.
Lack Of Quality Sleep
Sleep is when the body regenerates and rebuilds. Adults need on average 7-8 hours per night. In our busy world, sleep is one of the first things to be dropped. It is actually just as important as adequate nutrition, quality running shoes & a balanced workout program in the gym.
Our world is full of fad diets and constant barraging us with internet ads, commercials & billboards for food. Yet, poor eating habits are prevalent. It is good practice to follow balanced nutritional guidelines or to see a nutritionist to help map out a program for you. The less processed food the better the body will feel and react to training. Fitness guru Jillian Michaels says, “If it didn’t come from the ground, ocean or have a mother don’t eat it.”
Racing Too Much
Every aspect of a training plan should have balance. If your race calendar is full you may not have enough recovery time before the next race. This is a quick way to become injured or sick. Races require your body to give 100% effort. The body needs downtime before and after each race.
Socks are Sockwell compression socks. They are purchased by myself. I was not asked to use them in this post.

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