written by runnergirl training
Yoga props help move your body into challenging poses or
asanas. One useful prop is the yoga wheel. I purchased and reviewed the 13 inch
diameter Wacces yoga wheel for balance and support.
I found it to be excellent for assisting in poses such as
headstands, wheel and backbends, hip openers, etc. It was easy to use and the
relief from the back stretches was felt immediately. Each time I have used it my back muscle release further to allow my back to conform to the arc of the wheel. Many websites offer
instructional guides such as here.
I highly recommend using a yoga wheel to get an increased
range of motion in your yoga poses. I was happy with being able to improve my flexibility in the asanas, especially in backbend/wheel and hip openers. The Wacces yoga wheel is fun &
effective to use. Let me know if you try it out & your thoughts!
I was not asked to write this review & received no compensation
for it. I purchased it myself and all of the opinions expressed are my own.

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