all socks are Sockwell compression socks
written by runnergirl training
Back muscles frequently are tight and shortened from the excessive sitting we require of them (office, car, couch, etc). Having loosened back muscles can make such a difference to your posture, flexibility & pain relief. Try the following back stretches to loosen up a bit. See more below!
Lumbar Rotation:
Lie on your back and bring one knee to your chest. Allow your knee to cross your body and be draw toward the floor. This will naturally rotate the lumbar spine. You can use your hand to press down on your knee for an added stretch.
Feel it in back & sides
Hold for 30 seconds while deeply breathing
Repeat 2-3 times
Cat/Cow Stretch:
Begin on hands and knees. Arch back toward ceiling. The switch to let back drop into a swayback.
Feel it in low & mid back
Hold for each position for 10 seconds
Repeat 4-5 times
Standing Side Bend:
While standing lift one arm overhead and lean to the opposite side. Allow the weight of your arm to gently push into the stretch. Switch to other side and repeat.
Feel it through sides & mid back
Hold for 30 seconds
Repeat 2-3 times
Reach For The Sky
Stand and reach both arms overhead and interlock your fingers. Press hands toward the sky while breathing deeply.
Feel it in upper & mid back
Hold for 10-20 seconds
Repeat 2-3 times
Latissimus Dorsi Stretch
Start standing, cross an arm in front of you & holding onto a steady object. Bend forward at the waist. Curl hips under your torso. Repeat on opposite side.
Feel it diagonally across back
Hold for 30 seconds
Repeat 2-3 times
Child’s Pose
Lay face down with legs drawn up underneath torso. Arms can be straight overhead or dropped to the side next to your body. Breathe deeply.
Feel it throughout the back
Hold for 30 seconds
Repeat 2-3 times
Rock’n Side to Side
Lay on back with legs drawn to chest. Wrap arms around legs like a hug. Slowly rock side to side.
Feel it throughout the back
Repeat for 20 seconds
Repeat 2-3 times
Yoga Wheel Position
This is an advanced position. Only try this if you have been practicing this pose. There are levels of progressions for it. First start with a hip bridge by laing on your back with knees bent. Arms are lying at your sides. Push hips up and squeeze glutes. Next progression is to do the hip bridge, place hands on floor near head and push up so that your head and hands are supporting you. Last progression is same as before and add on pushing through your arms so they are straight and head is off the floor.
Feel it throughout the back
Hold for 20 seconds
I personally purchased all of the Sockwell compression socks & was not asked to endorse or use them in my blog post. All opinions are expressed as my own.

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