Resistance Band used is Mark Bell's Grippy Hip Circle
written by runnergirl training
Check out these effective glute exercises! They can be done anywhere and only equipment needed is a resistance band! See more below!
Each exercise can be repeated for 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps. Use a tempo 3 count out,1 count hold, 3 count back in. As always, check with a doctor before starting any new exercise program. Let’s get started!
Exercise 1:
Seated Band Press Out
While sitting place the resistance band around your legs. The band can be placed around lower of upper legs. Press out with your knees against the resistance of the band. Breathe out when pressing knees out.
Band press out start
Single Leg Squat
Stand on one leg with the other foot slightly lifted off the ground. Push hips back into a half squat, as if you were going to sit in a chair. Keep that foot elevated from the ground and stand back up using the same leg. If needed, use a wall or object to help steady yourself. Switch legs.
Exercise 3:
With band around legs, get in a quarter squat stance and laterally/side to side walk. Take 3 steps in one direction then go back. Repeat for all reps.
Lateral Band Walking Squat
With band around legs, get in a quarter squat stance and laterally/side to side walk. Take 3 steps in one direction then go back. Repeat for all reps.
Lateral squat start
Leg Kick Back with Band
Wrap the band around lower legs. Bend forward at the waist, lift one foot off the ground, and push heel backward against the resistance of the band. Switch legs.
Leg kick back finish
Lunge with Step Up
Lunge backwards with one leg and step forward and lift opposite leg. Switch starting leg and repeat.
Jumps with Band
With band around lower legs, jump with feet moving wide/out. Then jump forward/backward alternating the forward foot.

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