Product Review: Rolflex Sports Roller

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written by runnergirl training

Rolflex is an impressive sports massager with some very unique features! Rolling out muscles before and after workouts prevents injuries and has many other benefits. Check out how Rolflex can help you with muscle soreness and joint stiffness from exercise or injuries.

How To Not Overeat

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written by runnergirl training

Ever wonder if you are over eating? Here are 5 easy ways to control potion sizes when eating.

Shin Splints

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written by runnergirl training

Shin splints is a term used for pain along the front of the shins on the lower legs. It usually is felt along the tibia but can also be experienced at the top, outer part of the lower leg on the tibialis anterior muscle. The pain is caused from a variety of problems. See below for easy remedies for shin splint pain.

Are You Eating Too Much Sugar

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written by runnergirl training

Have you ever noticed the scale creeping up but you can't pinpoint a change in your habits to have caused weight gain? Sugar might be to blame for the sneaky increase on the scale.

Portion Control Tips

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written by runnergirl training

Ever wonder if you are over eating? Here are 5 easy ways to control potion sizes when eating.
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